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Celebrating 10 years!

A man standing in a garden, holding a small baby, beside a display of several rows of wooden framed leaded stained glass windows on the lawn

April 2010

In 2010 something amazing came into my life. Something so beautiful and precious.

The above photo shows the first set of leaded light window sashes I ever acquired. One day I was at the local dump when I saw some fool throwing them away. I rescued as many as I could out of sentimentality not thinking of monetary value. It snowballed from there. As a hobby for next five years I bought and sold sets locally. Something else came into my life that year. Ten years on…

I now sell full-time as an internet order based business having discarded a well paid job with sick/holiday pay and a pension but happy as Larry shipping this stuff all over the world! I continue to add to my collection…

I had dreams of employing staff and renting expensive London showroom space. Now is the first time I feel lucky not to be in that situation.

Working from home has never been that bad. Of course there is someone else very special who helps make home/work/life bearable but she is behind the camera!

2020 is poignant for another reason. If you regard “antiques” to mean something 100 years old or older then more of my stock, particularly the framed leaded toplights as shown below, can now be classed as such. This style was made between the 1920s – 1960s.

Most are still for sale. From top left R1016c, R1063a, B1063a, B1063b, R1018a, R1018b, R1018c, R944a, R1003d sunray from a set of five. Incidentally none are from the dump. I paid for these!

As always I have salvaged doors and hundreds of salvaged windows listed for sale on my website. In the past five years I started offering a bespoke service whereby something can be made new to your exact size. Explore!

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